This post is dedicated to all those friends of mine I want to meet only down the memory lane... Go wild think of what a memory lanelooks like to u... To me its a has a definition which cant be explained..Some day i shall but not today..After a year i have thought of somethin in my head and actually written it down.. All i have to say is, Somewhere down the memory lane, we shall meet again..
Going down the memory lane
Going down the memory lane, there is so much ive been thru
All I ask myself now is, was that really me?
With so much happening around
And accepting the non acceptable
Struggling to keep up with the pace
And yet not lose myself
I ask myself again,
Is this really me?
Forever inscribed in me,
Is what I have learnt today.
To part with it or live with it
Is the question I ask myself?
Cold shoulder and bitter words were unknown to me
Is it all apart of me now
I ask myself again
Mercy, compassion, forgiveness
Was a part of my soul
Is a part of me dead?
I question myself yet again
Respect and oneness is what I believed in
Then why is it that I plead for solitude today
I ask myself
Life isn’t all that bad
Like everyone around says
I still have so many complaints
Is the sky above falling apart
Or have I jus noticed it today?
Was this always a part of me
Or have I just woken up today
Till when will i stay still,
On the shattered mirror image
Blind to what I see,
Numb to what i feel
Deaf and reactionless.
When is it going to break
I dread that moment
I dread it horribly
But I knw it will rain,
Rain for the benefit of all
Rain to wash away everythin
Rain so hard
To take me along,
Somewhere along the memory lane
Where we shall meet again